Rümpelio Entrümpelungen - Inh. Tobias Rüdig, Neuenlander Str. 6, 28199 Bremen - Rechtsform: natürliche Person / Einzelunternehmen Steuernr.6026212XXX
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Process for individual rooms (basement, garage, attic, plot etc.)

1. Contact by the customer via call, WhatsApp or email
2. The customer sends photos of the items to be disposed of to Rümpelio
3. Fixed price offer from Rümpelio immediately after receiving the pictures
4. Order placement by customer
5. Make an appointment
6. Order Execution
7. Order acceptance, payment

Process for larger objects (apartment, house

1. Contact by the customer via call, WhatsApp or email including arranging a viewing appointment
2. Joint inspection with the business owner of Rümpelio
3. Fixed price offer from Rümpelio (immediately after the viewing) including all costs (staff, vehicle, garbage fees, taxes, etc.)
4. Order placement by customer
5. Make an appointment, possibly hand over the keys
6. Order execution (usually we receive apartment or house keys, customer does not have to be on site)
7. Order acceptance, payment

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